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The Technologies in My Toolbox 🛠️

In the fast-evolving world of web development, having the right tools is crucial for working efficiently and effectively. In this post, I want to provide insight into which technologies and tools I prefer for developing websites and web applications, sharing both my personal experiences and recommendations.

Development Environment 🧑‍💻

Visual Studio Code: My IDE of Choice

My development environment of choice is Visual Studio Code, as it seems to be for about 90% of all developers 😄. The IDE impresses with its extensibility and reliability. I also tried Vim, but that excursion ended quickly. Thanks to the Vim extension in VSCode, I still benefit from the best features of both worlds.

Figma: Making Design Adjustments Easy

Figma is an indispensable tool for me for design adjustments. It makes it easier to work when assets need to be reworked or brought into the right format, without having to constantly ask the designer. This saves time and thus money for my clients.

ChatGPT & GitHub Copilot: Indispensable Helpers

What can be done today without AI? By now, ChatGPT and the like are hard to imagine being without. For me, these tools have proven to be super useful. They provide support by showing new perspectives or quick solutions for problems that would have otherwise eluded me. Instead of wasting hours on Stack Overflow or in forums, I can usually find a solution within minutes with the help of these tools.

My Tech Stack 📀

JavaScript: The Foundation

As the language of the web, JavaScript is indispensable. It enables the development of both frontend and backend applications, making it the cornerstone of my projects.

React & Remix: My Frameworks of Choice

React is the foundation of my web projects, whose versatility and extensive community support make it indispensable for me. Remix, as an addition to React, allows me to develop full-stack applications without a separate backend, making my work much more efficient.

TailwindCSS: Efficient Styling

With TailwindCSS, I design UI elements efficiently and quickly. The availability of component libraries further increases productivity.

Radix UI & Shadcn: Flexibility in Design

These UI libraries are known for their adaptability and are therefore found in every one of my projects.

Prisma: My ORM of Choice

Prisma impresses with its simplicity and flexibility in dealing with various databases, making it an indispensable tool in my arsenal.

Organization and Planning 🧠

Notion: My Digital Brain

Notion is a versatile tool that combines notes, project management, and a knowledge database in one. Its user-friendliness and adaptability make it the ideal companion for my freelance work. Whether it's project overviews, to-dos, or recording solutions for technical tricks – Notion keeps everything in one place.

Google Calendar: Structure in the Chaos

To structure my workday, I use Google Calendar. The visual representation of my daily schedule helps me stay focused. Even if I can't always stick to the plan as I would like. Because for me as a freelancer, flexibility is just as important as planning.

Slack: Communication and Reminders

Slack is indispensable for me. It serves not only for exchange with clients but also as my personal reminder thanks to the "Remind me later" function. This way, I miss no customer inquiry and no task.

Supplementary Tools 🛟

Webflow: Fast Development of Marketing Pages

For marketing pages, I recommend Webflow. The platform enables the quick creation of complex pages, where the visual editor increases efficiency. I have been working with Webflow for over 4 years now. I have gained experience in many projects. Therefore, one of the main pillars of my freelance activity is that I offer Webflow development. So, if you have a project in which you need the support of a Webflow expert, feel free to contact me here. 🙂

Conclusion 🎯

An effective workflow does not always necessarily depend on having the "best" tools, but rather on using those with which one can best get along. My personal toolbox consists of a mix of organizational tools, development platforms, and frameworks that enable me to realize projects efficiently and effectively.

I hope this insight into my toolbox offers inspiration and suggestions for your own projects. What tools and technologies do you prefer?
