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Remix vs Next.js

Lately, I've been pondering which of the two frameworks I should use in my future projects. In this context, I'd like to mention the following blog posts that have aided in my decision-making process and might help you as well. 🙂


My thoughts

Personally, I'm inclined towards Remix, especially for complex and dynamic applications like web applications or e-commerce sites. On the other hand, I've had very good experiences with Next.js for blogs or portfolio websites. However, ultimately, both frameworks are excellent at what they do, and it's quite possible that you can successfully implement any project with either of them. Therefore, if you're already familiar with one of the frameworks, there's not necessarily a reason to switch. Simply use the one with which you can work most efficiently. Personally, I've had particularly positive experiences with Remix, as it offers an outstanding developer experience and seems more intuitive to me than Next.js. This is mainly because the developers of Remix have placed great emphasis on adhering to web standards.
